Category: Blog

The Diary of an Unplanned Entrepreneur

as featured on I do not have a typical entrepreneur story. Starting a business was not on my radar nor was it something I’d ever considered. I had a job and wore multiple fulfilling hats working in ministry, as well as volunteering with a local shelter and various non-profits. I did not want to […]

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Sometimes, All You Need is You by Teira E. Farley, featured on

Sometimes, All You Need is You

as featured on For most of my life, I worked to check all the boxes. Excel in school. Get a full scholarship to college. Graduate with honors. Obtain multiple degrees. Get a job and take care of yourself. Volunteer, help the community, mentor, serve, teach, etc., etc., etc. Seemingly, I did it all. If […]

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A note for women in business features an excerpt from i am the Other Woman by Teira E. Farley. Book cover image displayed. Available for purchase at

An Open Letter to Women in Business

A note from me to you. An open letter to women in business.  You. Are. The. Other. Woman. Disclaimer: If, after reading that, you’re turned off or have your heart set on a juicy, tell-all filled with real accounts of secrets from the eyes of someone living a double life, then keep reading. You may […]

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epiphany Branding, Marketing and Promotional Materials

What if…

Daily, you follow some type of pattern. You fall into some sort of routine. Whether it is based upon the needs of others or those of your own, each day you commit to getting things done. Some would argue that there is absolutely nothing wrong with that approach to life; but, what if there is? […]

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Generous Hearts

To the generous at heart: You will often attract those who are innately and inherently selfish. You possess an intriguing and alluring characteristic. One they cannot fathom or fully comprehend, for it allows you to embrace flaws, forgive grievances and serve regardless of circumstance. In return, you’re often left w/ a myriad of oxymoronic emotions. […]

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Plausible Deniability

What you don’t know CAN hurt you… Who empties the trashcan in your office? What is the name of the company chef who knows your order from memory? How long has your secretary been married? When is your college intern’s graduation? Did the Human Resources Director’s son get accepted into their preschool of choice? The […]

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Opposites Attract

Exploring the “Kingdom Principle”, a post for Ministry Leaders “All are welcome.” “Come as you are.” “God loves everybody and so do we.” Sound familiar?? To the “trained” “spiritual” (churched) ear, these phrases are nothing short of common. Although the underlying premise behind each statement is birthed from a sincere place, in order to maximize […]

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Seeing is Believing

Image & Priorities One hour, during peak flight times in a major airport, will provide any spectator with more than an eyeful to comprehend. Within a brief moment of observation, your exposure will span across age groups, genders, nationalities, religions, professions and more. You will develop, be it intentional or otherwise, a perception of any […]

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The Guilt of Innocence

The danger of profiling… Trayvon Martin. Although it’s been some time since his untimely death occurred; yet, to this day, the sound of that name ignites a series of emotions. For many Americans, particularly those of African-American descent, this name, his name, leaves another impression on our hearts each time it is uttered. His unfortunate […]

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